Linux Hosting

Windows or Linux Hosting Account?

The choice of hosting for you is depended on the type of database or programming language you are planning to use. Choosing the hosting account does not depend on the operating system you use at home.

If you intend to use Perl, Python, CGI scripting or PHP for your website then a Linux Hosting account is the perfect choice. We provide a MySQL database along with Linux hosting accounts. If your requirements include the development of blogs, podcasts, shopping carts or web applications then you should first find out the languages developers use more often to develop these applications.

ASP or ASP.NET is best supported by Windows hosting. We provide our clients with underlying MS SQL database as well. If your requirements include the development of blogs, podcasts, shopping carts or web applications then you should first find out the languages developers use more often to develop these applications. With ASP.NET, you will need to do some back-end programming at home before online deployment of the applications.

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